Healthcare in America (Midterm Project)

Mr. Meyers
Current Issues & Isms
Mid-term Project: Healthcare in America

Enduring Understanding:
The United States continues to struggle with designing a healthcare system that provides comprehensive and affordable healthcare for all and what the appropriate role of government should be in the process.

Essential Questions:
Should healthcare for all be recognized as a definite public responsibility?
Is maintaining a free market system of competition the best means of providing affordable care?

Performance Task
Working in pairs students will design a visual history of the debate over healthcare in America since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) also known as Obamacare in 2010. It will be necessary to include tenets of the act as well as the views of those who opposed the landmark legislation. Efforts to “Repeal and Replace” must be documented.  Republican plans under the Trump Administration need to be examined including the American Health Care Act (AHCA), Graham-Cassidy Bill, Berne Sander's Medicare for All, and the most recent efforts by Senator Alexander and Senator Murray. Each visual will need to address the use of propaganda devices and elements in the debate.

Healthcare in America

Content Knowledge
Exceptional depth of knowledge demonstrated, masterfully utilizing both prior and new information on the debate over plans and implementation of  healthcare in America and the divisiveness on the issue.
Proficient depth of knowledge demonstrated, appropriately accessing both prior and new information on the debate over plans and implementation of healthcare in America and the divisiveness on the issue.
Uncomfortable command of knowledge demonstrated, with limited and/or disconnected use of prior and new information on the debate over plans and implementation of healthcare in America.
Confused and/or disinterested grasp of knowledge with limited capability to connect prior and new information on the debate over plans and implementation of healthcare in America.
Use of Visuals
Strategic use of photos, charts, graphs, political cartoons and other visual aids that enhance the audience’s understanding of the healthcare issue in America.
Thoughtful use of photos, charts, graphs, political cartoons and other visual aids to enhance the audience’s understanding of the healthcare issue in America.
Uses photos, charts, graphs, political cartoons and other visual aids, but only in a few instances are they used to support, explain, and interpret the healthcare issue to the audience.
Limited use of photos, charts, graphs, political cartoons, and other visual aids on the issue of healthcare in America.
Propaganda Devices and Elements
Masterful identification of the use of propaganda devices and elements used in the debate over healthcare in America.
Effective identification of the use of propaganda devices and elements used in the debate over healthcare in America.
Acknowledges some of the uses of propaganda devices and elements used in the debate over healthcare in America.
Recognizes a few examples of the devices and elements of propaganda used in the debate over healthcare in America.
Use of Resources
Selects and evaluates highly appropriate and relevant sources from a variety of formats taking into consideration credibility, reliability and information purpose.
Selects mostly appropriate and relevant sources from a variety of formats. Considers credibility, reliability and information purpose.
Narrow selection and simplistic use of resources. Limited concern for credibility and reliability.
Poor selection and misguided/limited use of resources. Fails to identify appropriate sources.

Healthcare Podcasts: The Weeds
Bernie Care
Graham-Cassidy Bill
Elliot, Philip. "Beyond Repeal and Replace" Time. July 10-17, 2017
SIRS (Healthcare Debate)

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